– And what do these boats stand for?
– The river itself is the natural border of Mexico and Guatemala. Back in 2006, when we worked here with the company, we were standing at its bank, and watched the strange boats for hours, dazzled and enchanted, pondering, as if we saw ourselves in them. The image was quite symbolic and emblematic. This is Artus. Stand-alone, colourful boats that all dropped anchor in the same place for a while. There is something common in them, and yet, they are all very unique. At present, they are there at the shore, all together, working on something. However, they can move on anytime. The river is by itself both a boundary and a bond between two different worlds. And at the same time, the river and the boats, in this sense, stand for freedom, the freedom of making decisions, as well as the freedom of human and artistic togetherness.
Individually, each of us can decide where he or she drops the anchor, and when they will move on and sail away. This conscious decision is what creates the quality of our coexistence.
The most essential feature of Artus is the creative energy, that reaches beyond the production of performances, and requires a person who is in hold of creative power and is capable of directing – his/her own life in the first place – in a creative way. Creativity is, as a matter of fact, Life Energy itself.
Gábor Goda
ARTUS was founded in 1985 by Gábor Goda.
Artus belongs to the most significant and determining companies of the contemporary Hungarian theatre and dance scene in the past 30 years.
It is an open, and versatile creative art studio, which has been the take-off runway for a number of artists and companies for years.
It is the meeting point of different people, ideas, art forms and disciplines.
A place, a creative community, an incubator of ideas and projects, where the goal is not to generate consumable cultural products, but rather to trigger creative thinking and foster inspiring encounters.
Trespassing the borders of traditionally defined genres, we have always been searching new ways. Through the creative cooperation between the performers, musicians, visual artists we aim to create performances and events which have their own, specific language that emerges from the creative process itself.
The actual space of the performance, the personality of the performer and the creator and the constant reconsideration of the partnership with the audience have become more and more important.
We produce 1-2 performances yearly on average in Hungary. Our pieces move on the verge of dance, theatre, fine arts, performance and live-installation.
The way we we work, writing a piece, realizing and coreographing it, composing its musical and visual context, rehearsals and the experimentation process happen simultaneously. We see our task in expanding the horizon of a central thought, in asking questions that are actual to all, and unfolding it richly. Our pieces are inspired by the true interest, social and personal sensitivity of the members as well as their personal experiences and memories. Theatre work at Artus is a creative process for all: artists and audience alike.
Every couple of years, we move to outer, distant places to do creative art research. Dislocated from our regular residence, workplace and ordinary life, we have the chance to look at ourselves and our problems, as well as the habitual, well-known environment from a new, different perspective. Besides the Hungarian based creative art venues (Zsámbék, Noszvaj, Zsennye) we are constantly seeking partnership with artists and organizers from other countries to either present our repertoire abroad or to take part in international collaborations, workshops. We bring to life diverse art creations as result of encounter of different cultures, that hereby foster the mutual understanding and respect among peoples and nations, enhance the communication channels between the different cultures and attitudes, hence lifting up the quality of human existence.
Thus, during our history, we were able to cooperate in various ways with Scottish, Swiss, New-zealandic, Izraeli, American, Romanian, Austrian, Egyptian, French, Mexican, etc. companies and festivals.
Past Performances:
2019 – Budapest, National Dance Theatre
Gate of the Wind
Performing artists and creators:
Tamás Bakó, Szilvia Izsák, Zita Mayer, Zoltán Mózes, Csilla Nagy, Henrietta Szalay
Martial artists: Zsuzsa Szalkó, Etelka Szeghalmi
Musicians: Zsolt Bartek, György Philipp
Production & stage design: Ferenc Sebestény, Gábor Goda
Music Composer: György Philipp
Texts used: Ákos Fodor, Gábor Goda, László Krasznahorkai, Seneca, A.A. Milne
Costume Design: Kriszta Lőrincz, Antal Bodóczky
Creative technique: Gábor Papp, Gáspár Hajdu
Light design, creative collaborator: Gábor Kocsis
Creative collaborators: Eszter Nagy, Zahra Fuladvand
Production manager: Margit Hodován
Production assistant: Anna Fazekas
Special thanks to: András Havasi Tai hi Chuan and Shen Dao Kung Fu master
Director – choreographer: Gábor Goda
2019 – Gyergyószentmiklós
Fume, i.e. the occupancy of theatre
Production born out of the coproduction of Figura Studio Theatre and Budapest-based Artus Contemporary Arts Studio
Performers: Zénó Faragó, Norbert László Moșu, Gábor Kolozsi Borsos, Annamária Máthé, Boglár Tamás, Boróka Bartha, Mária Boros, Gyöngyvér Vajda, Alain Leonard Fodor, Míra Szilágyi
Concept, Assistant to Director: Gábor Goda
Dramaturge: Ágnes Kali
Visual Artist: Botond Gábor
Stage and Production design: Ferenc Sebestény
Light Design: Gábor Kocsis
Music composer: Gábor Kolozsi Borsos
Director: László Hudi
2017 – Thealter Festival, Szeged
Creators: Márton Debreczeni, Dániel Makkai, Mihály Lukács, Máté Lukács, Dániel Baló, Kati Dombi, Ambrus Ivanyos, Sámuel Baló
Collaborating partner: Homo Ludens Project
Project assistant: Zita Markovics
Director: Márton Debreczeni
2017 – Festival of Dance, Veszprém
SWARM – the anatomy of decisions
Performer: Gábor Goda
Dancer: Tamás Bakó
Musicians: Endre Kertész, Zoltán Mózes, György Philipp
Creative collaborators: Gábor Kocsis, Márton Debreczeni
Creative technology: Gábor Papp, Gáspár Hajdu (XORXOR)
Music leader: György Philipp
Director: Gábor Goda
2016 – ÖRDÖGKATLAN FESTIVAL, Nagyharsány
(The Ark) – Polish – Hungarian coproduction (ARTUS – Teatr Osmego Dnia)
2016 – MOM Culture Centre, Budapest
Artus – Central European Dance Theatre coproduction
Performers/creators: coproduction of ARTUS Company of Gábor Goda and members of Central European Dance Theatre
Music: Angara Music Ensemble (Music leader: László Lukács), Soharóza Choir (music leader: Dóra Halas)
Director: Gábor Goda
2015 – MÜPA, Budapest
Creators/ performers: Tamás Bakó, Márton Debreczeni, Zoltán Mózes, Csilla Nagy, Melinda Virág
Tai Chi Chuan artists: Imre Baranyai, László Greguss, Szilvia Izsák
Musicians: Á la cARTe Chamber Choir (artistic director: György Philipp)
Visual design, stage design: Ferenc Sebestény, Gábor Goda, Bea Gold
Costumes: Kriszta Lőrincz
Lighting, creative associate: Gábor Kocsis
Video animations, creative technicians: Gábor Papp, Ágoston Nagy
Video technique: Krisztián Megyeri
Texts: Heraclitus, Gábor Goda
Music: György Philipp, László Melis
Production assistant: Anna Fazekas
Production manager: Gáspár Anna
Assistant to the director: Bea Gold
Director, choreographer: Gábor Goda
2014 – MODEM, Debrecen
Creators/ performers: Márton Debreczeni, Gábor Goda, Gábor Kocsis, Zoltán Mózes, Ágoston Nagy
Creator- assistants: Bea Gold, Gáspár Téri
Director: Gábor Goda
2014 – Artus Studio, Budapest
Creators/Performers: Krisztián Kiss, Vincenzo LoBuglio, Dániel Makkai, Zoltán Mózes, Áron Porteleki
Creative collaborators: Antal Bodóczky, Gábor Kocsis, Pál Körmendy
Director: Márton Debreczeni
2013 – PLACCC Festival, Budapest
(Artus – Stereo Akt)
Creators/performers: Márton Debreczeni, Bea Gold, Julia Jakubowska, Gábor Kocsis, Csilla Nagy, Gáspár Téri, András Tucker, Zsófia Tamara Vadas
Creator- assistants: Gábor Goda, Sarah Günther
Music leader: Szabolcs Tóth
Production Manager: Anikó Rácz
Assistant to Director: Gáspár Téri
Director: Martin Boross
2013 – Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza, Budapest
Creators/ Performers: Antal Bodóczky, Martin Boross, Márton Debreczeni, Krisztina Ferencz, Bea Gold, Vera Jónás, András Juhász, Gábor Kocsis, Zoltán Mózes, Ágoston Nagy, Gáspár Téri, András Tucker, Márk Péter Vargha, Melinda Virág
Director: Gábor Goda
2013 – Jurányi Incubator House, Budapest
(Artus – Füge)
Performers: Márton Debreczeni, Péter Kiss, Imre Vass
Stage Design: Pál Körmendy
Visual Design: Antal Bodóczky
Sound Design: Ágoston Nagy
Consultant: Gáspár Téri
Lighting: Gábor Kocsis
Director: Márton Debreczeni
2012 – International Bartók Festival, Szombathely
Performers: Csilla Nagy, Márton Debreczeni
Music: Miklós Lukács – cymbal
Creators: Antal Bodóczky, Gábor Kocsis, Ágoston Nagy, Bence Samu
Director-choreographer: Márton Debreczeni
2011 – National Dance Theatre, Budapest
Creators/ Performers: Tamás Bakó, Márton Debreczeni, Krisztina Ferencz, Csilla Nagy, Imre Vass, Melinda Virág, Gáspár Téri
Harp: Sára Goda, Anna Szombathy
Vocals, music leader: György Philipp
Creator- assistants: Antal Bodóczky, Martin Boross, András Tucker
Lighting design: Gábor Kocsis
Assistant to choreography: Rajendra Serber [USA]
Assistant to Director: Bea Gold
Choreographer: Scott Wells [USA] and the Company
Director: Gábor Goda
2011 – Artus Studio, Budapest
Creators/Performers: Antal Bodóczky, Martin Boross, Márton Debreczeni, Balázs Fischer, Gábor Goda, Bea Gold, Gábor Kocsis, Ágoston Nagy, Csilla Nagy, Gáspár Téri, András Tucker, Melinda Virág
Director: Gábor Goda
2011 – Artus Studio, Budapest
Creators/Performers: Márton Debreczeni, Melinda Virág, Ágoston Nagy
Stage Design: Antal Bodóczky
Music, Sound-installation: Ágoston Nagy
Co-creator, light design: Gábor Kocsis
Scenography Producer: Pál Körmendy
Director: Márton Debreczeni
EPHEMER WORKS performance series I-LIV.
Creators-performers: Edina Andrási, Tamás Bakó, Dániel Baló, Imre Baranyai, Zsolt Bartek, Antal Bodóczky, Martin Boross, Márton Debreczeni, Kati Dombi, József Csató, Dávid Fekete, Kriszta Ferencz, Balázs Fischer, Réka Fodor, Márton Felszeghi, Zahra Fuladvand, Gábor Goda, Bea Gold, Gáspár Hajdu, Dóra Halas, Násfa Hantos, Miklós Heppes, Heléna Hrotkó, Rita Ilka, Szilvia Izsák, Julia Jakubowska, Vera Jónás, Rozália Kemény, Endre Kertész, Eszter Kiss, Krisztián Kiss, Gábor Király, Bence Knyihár, Gábor Kocsis, Pál Körmendy, Péter Lipka, Lilla László, László Lukács, Dániel Makkai, Zita Markovics, Lili Mayer, Zita Mayer, Ildikó Mándy, Csaba Méhes, Dávid Mikó, András Mohácsi, Zoltán Mózes, Norbert Murányi, Ágoston Nagy, Csilla Nagy, Eszter Nagy, Fruzsina Nagy, Géza Nagy, Tibor Nádor, Panda, Gábor Papp, Gábor Pelva, György Philipp, Áron Porteleki, Anna Réti, Judit Rabóczky, Ede Sinkovics, Ferenc Sebestény, Evelin Simon, Bálint Szabó, Henrietta Szalay, Dóra Ida Szűcs, Gáspár Téri, András Tucker, Villő Turcsány, Virág Varga, Flóra Veres, Melinda Virág
Director: Gábor Goda
2010 – Artus Studio, Budapest
Creators/Performers: Antal Bodóczky, Gábor Goda, Gábor Kocsis, Pál Körmendy, Csilla Nagy, Anna Réti, Gáspár Téri, Melinda Virág
Director: László Hudi
2010 – Artus Studio, Budapest
Choreographer and Performer: Csilla Nagy
Co-creator: András Tucker
Stage Design: Pál Körmendy
Light design: Gábor Kocsis
2009 – Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza, Budapest
Creators/Performers: Gábor Kocsis, Csilla Nagy, Tibor Nádor, István Oldal, Anna Réti, Gáspár Téri, Melinda Virág
Music: Ágoston Nagy
Costumes: Kriszta Lőrincz
Stage Design: Antal Bodóczky, Gábor Goda
Light Design: Gábor Kocsis
Computer: Zsolt Korai
Video: Antal Bodóczky, Zsolt Korai
Director- choreographer: Gábor Goda
2008 – Artus Studio, Budapest
Performers-Creators: Antal Bodóczky, Attila Gergely, Gábor Goda, Gábor Kocsis, Kriszta Lőrinc, Csilla Nagy, István Oldal, Anna Réti, Bence Samu (m.v.), Gáspár Téri, Melinda Virág
Costumes: Kriszta Lőrincz
Stage design: Antal Bodóczky, Gábor Goda, Gábor Kocsis, István Oldal
Director: Gábor Goda
2008 – Ludwig Museum
Creators-Performers: Antal Bodóczky, Gábor Goda, Gábor Kocsis, Gábor Lőrinc, Csilla Nagy, István Oldal, Anna Réti, Dániel Szász, Gáspár Téri, Melinda Virág
Stage Design: Antal Bodóczky, Gábor Goda, Gábor Kocsis, István Oldal
Project Leader – Director: Gábor Goda
2007 – MÜPA, Budapest
THE COMPANY OF WOLVES – performance for adults
PACK OF WOLVES AND THE GIRL – performance for children
Coproduction of Artus and National Dance Theatre
Creators/ Performers: Ágens, Tamás Bakó, József Csapó, Gergő Erdei, Márton Fábián, Dávid Fekete, Attila Gergely, Bea Gold, Zoltán Józsa Bambi, Gergely Kiss, András Korompai, Gergő Magyarkuti, Csaba Méhes, Anna Réti, László Rumi, Dániel Szász, Gáspár Téri, Bálint Turai, Ádám Zambrzycki
Music Composer: Albert Márkos
Scenography: György Árvai
Costumes: Kriszta Lőrincz
Light Design: Gabi Bánki
Texts: Ágens, Gábor Goda
Stilt Expert: László Rumi
Special props, stage elements: Antal Bodóczky, Janka Haraszti, Gábor Kocsis, Tóbiás Terebessy
Assistant to Director: Bea Gold
Director- Choreographer: Gábor Goda
2006 – Debreceni Csokonai Színház, Ludwig Museum, Budapest
Creators/Performers: Kati Dombi, Péter Lipka, István Oldal, Zsolt Sőrés, Gáspár Téri
Creative Collaborators: Tamás Bakó, Bea Gold
Stage Design: Gábor Goda, Gábor Kocsis, István Oldal
Video: Ernst Süss
Director: Gábor Goda
2006 – Mexico
Work-in-progress performance of STELE production in Palenque, at the House of Don Moises in Panchan and in San Cristóbal de las Casas, at Casa della Cultura.
2005 – Artus Studio, Budapest
Creators/ Performers: Tamás Bakó, József Csató, Kati Dombi, Bea Gold, Zoltán Grecsó, Gábor Kocsis, Péter Lipka, István Oldal
Scenography: Antal Bodóczky
Music: József Csató
Costumes: Kriszta Lőrincz
Light Design: Gábor Kocsis
Texts: Miguel de Unamuno, József Csató
Director- Choreographer: Gábor Goda
2005 – Performances:
Dante: Divine Comedy
Arcus Temporum Festival, Pannonhalma
Creators/ Performers: Kati Dombi, Bea Gold, Péter Lipka
Director: Gábor Goda
(psychology conference)
Creators/ Performers: Tamás Bakó, Bea Gold
Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, Abakanowicz exhibition
Creators/ Performers: Kati Dombi, Bea Gold, Zoltán Grecsó, Erzsi Kiss (m.v.), Péter Lipka
2005 – National Dance Theatre, Budapest
Coproduction of Artus and Medence Group
Creators/ Performers: Tamás Bakó, Kati Dombi, Bea Gold, Gábor Kocsis, Péter Lipka, Andrea Nagy, Nina Umniakov
Stage Design: Medence Csoport
Collaborators: István Oldal, György Tr.Szabó
Director- Choreographer: Gábor Goda
2004 – Artus Studio, Budapest
Creators/ Performers: Tamás Bakó, Kati Dombi, Bea Gold, Gerzson Péter Kovács, Péter Lipka, Péter Nagy, István Oldal, Orsolya Sipos, Nina Umniakov
Texts: Gábor Goda, Orsolya Sipos and the Company
Music: Albert Márkos, based on Schubert
Stage Design: Villő Turcsány
Light Design: Gábor Kocsis
Sound: István Bahaloczky
Director- Choreographer: Gábor Goda
2003 – National Dance Theatre, Budapest
Creators/ Performers: Kati Dombi, Bea Gold, Erzsi Kiss, Péter Lipka, Andrea Nagy, István Oldal, Orsolya Sipos, Nina Umniakov
Scenography: György Árvai
Costumes: Edit Szűcs
Masks: Janka Haraszi
Light Design: Tamás Bányai
Video: Ernst Süss
Music: Erzsi Kiss, István Balahóczky
Special props: István Oldal, Gábor Kocsis
Director: Gábor Goda
2003 – Artus Studio, Budapest
Creators/ Performers: Kati Dombi, Bea Gold, Péter Lipka, Andrea Nagy, István Oldal, Orsolya Sipos, Lea Tolnai, Nina Umniakov, György Tr. Szabó, Gábor Kocsis
Performers: Tamás Bakó, László Czétényi, Kati Dombi, Bea Gold, Bea Kiss, Péter Lipka, Andrea Nagy, István Oldal, Orsolya Sipos/ Judit Gyimesi, Lea Tolnai, Nina Umniakov, György Tr. Szabó
Music: Erzsi Kiss and Balázs Temesvári
Scenography: Ferenc Sebestény, István Oldal
Light Design: Gábor Kocsis
Costumes: Krisztina Berzsenyi
Video: Ernst Süss
Special props: Orsolya Sipos, Gábor Kocsis, István Oldal
Assistants: Balázs Temesvári, Ágnes Varanyi
Director- Choreographer: Gábor Goda
2001 – Artus Studio, Budapest
Performers: Gilat Amotz, Tamás Bakó, Zsófi Fóti, Miriam Friedreich, Gábor Goda, Bea Gold, Ágnes Hajas, Adrienn Hód, Erzsi Kiss, Péter Lipka, Christiane Loch, Ildikó Mándy, Amit Mann, Csaba Méhes, Silvano Mozzini, Andrea Nagy, Géza Nagy, Iván Somló, György Tr. Szabó, Nina Umniakov, Ágnes Varanyi
Collaborators: Ferenc Sebestény, Polla Bauer, Jovanovic Biljana, Melinda Matúz, Judit Molnár, Herta Pászli, Balázs Rose, Ádám Tubákos
Music Composer: Erzsi Kiss, Xénia Stollár
Light Design: Gábor Kocsis
Video: Eva von Wartburg, Ernst Süss, Amit Mann
Assistant: Ágnes Varanyi
Assistant to Director: Rita Lukács
Director: Gábor Goda
2000 – Artus Studio, Budapest
Performers: Bea Gold, Tamás Bakó, Gábor Goda, Béla Pintér, Erzsi KissAssistant to Choreography: Ildikó Mándy
Music composer: Erzsi Kiss
Costume Designer: Kriszta Remete
Director – Choreographer: Gábor Goda
1999 – Israel
(Hungarian- Israel coproduction) Artus-Vertigo
Premiered at the Fall Festival at Trafó House of Contemporary Arts, Budapest.
Performers: Péter Geltz, Thalia Beck, Shi Pratt, Adi Sha’al, Simon Manzura, Rina Wertheim Koren, Inbal, Gilat
Choreography: Gábor Goda, Ildikó Mándy, Noa Wertheim
Music Composer: Ran Bagno
Costumes: Krisztina Berzsenyi
Director: Gábor Goda
1997-1999 – Artus Studio, Budapest
I. Portrait C
II. Star Mill
III. Motionless Travel
Performers: Ildikó Mándy, Éva Regenhart, Andrea Nagy, Bea Gold, Béla Pintér, Gábor Goda, Ernst Süss, Gábor Kocsis
Music Composer: Xénia Stollár
Architect: Ferenc Sebestény
Costumes: Edit Szűcs
Computer: Róbert Lang, Orsolya Nyitrai
Author-Director-Choreographer: Gábor Goda
1996 – Zürich, Switzerland
Coproduction with the Swiss Carambole Company
Performers: Christiane Loch, Silvano Mozzini
Music Composer: Xénia Stollár
Author-Director-Choreographer: Gábor Goda
1995 – Israel
Hungarian- Israel coproduction
Choreographers and Performers: Goda-Mándy-Sha’al-Wertheim
1995 – Katona József Színház, Budapest
Performers: Ildikó Mándy, Lovas Eszter, Xénia Stollár, Éva Regenhart, Ági Regenhart, Béla Pintér, Béla Stubnya, Gábor Kocsis, Ernst Süss, Csaba Méhes
Film: Gábor Goda
Music Composer: John Gibson
Singer: Nasrin Pourhusseini
Author-Director-Choreographer: Gábor Goda
1994 – Zürich, Switzerland
Based on the novel by Abe Kobo
Performers: Silvano Mozzini, Christiane Loch (Carambole Theater)
Music: selection
Director- Choreographer: Gábor Goda
1994 – New Zealand
ARTUS- New Zealand- Hungary co-production
Premiered at AUCKLAND and WELLINGTON International Festivals
Music Composer: John Gibson
Director and Choreographer: SHONA MCCULLAGH and Gábor Goda
1993 – Budapest
Hungarian- Swiss- Austrian coproduction
Performers: Ildikó Mándy, Csaba Méhes, István Horváth, Ferenc Kálmán, Gábor Goda, Ernst Süss, Gábor Magos
Text: St. Thomas: Song of the Pearl, translated by: Sándor Sarkadi
Music Composer: László Melis
Scenography: György Árvai
Leader of the Choir: János Mezei
Choir: Schola Cantorum Budapest Children Choir
Director and Choreographer: Gábor Goda
1991 – Budapest
*turul: Hungarian mythological bird
Performers: Csaba Méhes, Ildikó Mándy, Gábor Goda
Music Composer: László Melis
Texts: László Bán
Costumes: Zsuzsa Keresztes
Author-Director-Choreographer: Gábor Goda
1990 – Budapest
Performers: Imre Tóth, Ildikó Mándy, Mária Balázs, Péter Lengyel, Judit Szikra, Csaba Méhes, Berger Gyula, Pál Regős
Text: Inspired by 131 Sentences of Heraclitus
Music Composer: László Melis
Director-Choreographer: Gábor Goda
1987 – Budapest
Coproduction with Wiener Festwoche
Author: Tristan Tzara
Performers: Gábor Goda, Péter Geltz, Kornélia Tarnai, Gábor Harsay, István Vizi, Ildikó Mándy, Anikó Zsalakovics
Dramaturge: Wolfgang Weisgramm
Production manager: Vera Sebauer
Costumes: Erzsébet Rátkai
Music: Fritz Ostermayer
Director-Choreographer: Gábor Goda
1986 – Budapest
Performers: Péter Geltz, Ágnes Tana-Kovács, Ildikó Mándy, Erzsébet Ábrahám, Gábor Harsay, Gábor Goda
Dramaturge: Péter Geltz
Musical arrangement: Iván Kertész
Costumes: Ágnes Tana-Kovács
Director – Choreographer: Gábor Goda
1986 – Budapest
*kaval – Traditional Hungarian folk instrument, wooden flute
Performers: József Sárvári, Gábor Goda, Kornélia Tarnai, Zsolt Fülöp, Péter Geltz
Choreography: Gábor Goda
1986 – Budapest
Performers: Gábor Kis-Tamás, Kornélia Tarnai, Ágnes Tana-Kovács, Ildikó Mándy, Zsolt Fülöp, Gábor Goda, Robin László, Péter Geltz, Erzsébet Ábrahám
Author- Choreographer: Gábor Goda
1985 – Budapest
Inspired by M. de Ghelderode and Brueghel
Performers: Erzsébet Ábrahám, Zsolt Fülöp, Gábor Goda, Gábor Kis-Tamás, Ágnes Tana-Kovács, Valéria Miholics, Ildikó Mándy, Kornélia Tarnai
Music: Carl Orff: Triomphy de Aphrodite
Costumes: Ágnes Tana-Kovács
Scenography: Csilla Balogh
Director – Choreographer: Gábor Goda
1984 – Budapest
Gábor Goda, Erzsébet Ábrahám